Upcoming: 7th WORLD FIRA 2023 – The AG Robotics Forum, February 7th to 9th, 2023 in Toulouse – France

The world’s leading event for innovations showcase in agricultural automation and robotics. WORLD FIRA brings on stage the state-of-the-art of the latest innovations of the industry in terms of technologies, legislations, scientific researches, and user cases.

A unique 3-day event to discover new entrants and most advanced technologies for autonomous far Since 2016, WORLD FIRA is the only event to discover new entrants and most advanced technologies for autonomous farming.

SCORPION team will participate in this event presenting the most recent achievements of SCORPION project. They will also be meeting the partners and ambassadors of the research industry, and discovering all their new advances.

Meet with Robot manufacturers, Innovative suppliers, Growers, Investors, Academics, and Journalists.

For more information click here.

European Robotics Forum at Ahoy Conference Center in Rotterdam

SCORPION partner EURECAT participated in the European Robotics Forum 2022 (ERF2022), and gave an insightful presentation about SCORPION within the workshop “AI and robotics in agri-food: the present and the future”.

The European Robotics Forum 2022 (ERF2022), the most influential meeting of the robotics community in Europe, was held from the 28th to 30th of June in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

For more information about the event click here.

SCORPION partner EURECAT has been interviewed by the Spanish TV show Planeta R

SCORPION partner EURECAT was invited to participate in an interview for the Spanish TV show Planeta R in a special edition about agricultural sustainability and gave an enlightening interview about the technology that has been developed within SCORPION project. The interview was carried out in a vineyard in Alt Penedès, Spain where one of the robots was demonstrate.

Click here to watch the full interview and find the highlight on the project starting at minute 10.

Upcoming: Integration III – Precision spraying validation and evaluation

During the third integration, due to take place in November 2022, the spraying quality of SCORPION with the two sprayers is going to be checked on a real slope Spanish vineyard. The treatments will be applied in autonomous mode with the two sprayers.

TEYME is the coordinator and task leader for the third integration, in Spain. This will be mostly a closed-door event for partners and some end users, however, the consortium is organising one open day for the community.

For more information on future integrations, click here.

SCORPION partners participated in the agROBOfood’s DEMODAYS

SCORPION partners participated in the agROBOfood’s DEMODAYS – “Robotics solution for the grapevine” sector hold in May 25th at Jean Leon Winery, Vilafranca del Penedès, Barcelona, Spain.

The aim of the Day was to bring together growers seeking for robotic solutions, and solution providers wishing to showcase their robot.

For more information, click here.

Integration II – Tractor and sprayer integration

SCORPION has successfully accomplished the II Integration phase.

In a continuous integration process, AGROB platform have been upgraded with the integration of diesel power motor generator and mechanical interfaces (integrations I, II and III), followed by the integration of sprayers and a navigation and safety systems into AGROB V20.

The AgRob platform was integrated with the SCORPION AirBlastSprayer, an optimized version of the TEYME Sprayer which aims to reduce the sprayer size, integrate the use of variable rate technology (VRT) as independent nozzles control and airflow control features.

The II Integration was led by INNOVI, which took place during M17 (May, 2022) at Jean Leon Winery in Vilafranca del Penedès, Barcelona, Spain.

Watch the available video here and Subscribe to our SCORPION YouTube channel here.

Discover the Mowit tool, developed under NOVATERRA Project: a fully electrical solution for precision agriculture in vineyards!

The localization solutions developed under SCORPION EU Project, which are based on #GNSS receivers enabled with #EGNSS solutions were employed in the Mowit. The Mowit is a fully electric tool and was demonstrated in vineyard mowing operations at the University of Trás-os-Montes during the open day for secondary school students. The Mowit will be expanded in the near future with the side cutting tool for line vineyard row vegetation control.

Click here to watch the video.

Check out the most recent SCORPION articles published in the IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions

“FollowMe – A Pedestrian Following Algorithm for Agricultural Logistic Robots ”

Human-robot interaction is an essential research topic due to the increasing presence of robots in workspace environments. One of the main capabilities that robots should have is to follow a person’s path. This allows robots to autonomously carry out certain operations alongside humans without the need to manually call robots to change their position in the workspace.

In this work, was proposed the use of two algorithms for relative localization between a person and a robot and both solutions are promising solutions to complement other solutions based on cameras and LiDAR.

“End-Effectors for Harvesting Manipulators – State Of The Art Review”

This paper studies different types of end-effectors used by some harvesting manipulators and compares them. The objective is to analyse their advantages and limitations to better understand the requirements to design an end-effector to improve the performance of a custom Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm (SCARA) on the harvest of different types of fruits.

“Path Planning with Hybrid Maps for processing and memory usage optimisation”

Robotics will play an essential role in agriculture. Deploying agricultural robots on the farm is still a challenging task due to the terrain’s irregularity and size. Optimal path planning solutions may fail in larger terrains due to memory requirements as the search space increases. This work presents a novel open-source solution called AgRob Topologic Path Planner, which is capable of performing path planning operations using a hybrid map with topological and metric representations.

Read the full papers here