The launch of Scorpion Project was featured on several online newspapers. Researchers from the Institute of Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science (INESC TEC), in Porto, have announced the launching of the European project SCORPION that aims to develop autonomous robots to spray mountain vineyards “without wasting chemicals”. In addition to INESC TEC, the project has the collaboration of the Pedro Nunes Institute, Portuguese Society of Innovation (SPI), as well as institutions from Spain, Italy and the Netherlands. Access to full news articles below.
By Público: “Investigadores do Porto desenvolvem robôs para pulverizar vinhas de montanha”
By Agriterra: “Investigadores desenvolvem robôs autónomos para pulverizar vinhas com maior precisão”
By Agroportal: “Investigadores do Porto vão desenvolver robôs para pulverizar vinhas de montanha”
By RTP: “Investigadores do Porto vão desenvolver robôs para pulverizar vinhas de montanha”
By Porto Canal: “Investigadores do Porto vão desenvolver robôs para pulverizar vinhas de montanha”
By Negócios “Douro testa robô “escorpião” para pulverizar vinhas”
By Jornal de Notícias: “Investigadores do Porto vão desenvolver robôs para pulverizar vinhas de montanha”